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Archiv der Kategorie: Configuration
Regular expression email filters for Thunderbird
After changing my email ISP I lost the possibility to filter emails using regular expressions. So I had to find a way to do it on the client side (in my case: in Thunderbird).
Veröffentlicht unter Configuration, Email, Regexp, Thunderbird
Verschlagwortet mit Add-On, FiltaQuilla, Spam filter
11 Kommentare
TYPO3 install tool: GIF image size warnings on Windows servers
Running TYPO3 on a Windows server and getting strange warnings in install tool about the size of the generated GIFs?
Veröffentlicht unter Bug, Configuration, PHP, TYPO3, Windows
Verschlagwortet mit GIF, GraphicsMagick, Image size, Install tool
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Completely disable POP3 accounts in Thunderbird 3
In Thunderbird 3.1 I was searching for a possibility to exclude POP3 email accounts from being polled as soon as I hit the “Get Mail” button. I didn’t want to delete these accounts, but just disable them completely. As I … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Configuration, Email, Thunderbird
Verschlagwortet mit Config Editor, defer_get_new_mail, Disable email account, mail.server.serverN
11 Kommentare
“Indentation and Frames” for TYPO3 content elements
TYPO3 content elements yield a setting called “Indentation and Frames” (or simply ”Frame” in older TYPO3 versions) that is often ignored. It can be used to add custom CSS classes to content elements, or even wrap them in a nested custom … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Configuration, TYPO3
Verschlagwortet mit CE, Content Element, CSS classes, Custom Frame
2 Kommentare
EIZO vs. NEC – selecting monitors for a professional dualhead setup
Time to buy new monitors. As a media programmer and web developer I am using a dual monitor setup for many years now. Is this still the way to go? Which type of monitors should I use? What budget will I … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Calibration, Color, Configuration, Monitor, Review
Verschlagwortet mit ATI Radeon HD 4650, Auto Brightness, Calibration target, Color compensation, Color Management, Color space, Dot pitch, Dual DVI, Dual monitor, Eco Mode, EIZO, Graphics adapter, Graphics card, LCD2190UXp, LUT, Microsoft Color Control Panel, Monitor size, Multi monitor, NEC, PCI express, PCIe, PRAD, S2100, Screen resolution, sRGB, Warranty
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A simple local Windows mail server for testing PHP scripts
Over time I used all sorts of solutions to test the email sending functions of my PHP scripts during development on my local Windows machine. They all had some pros and many cons and kept me searching for a better … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Configuration, Email, PHP, Windows
Verschlagwortet mit Debugging, Mail server, Scripts
22 Kommentare
Local backup strategies on Windows
Backup strategies for PCs in a SoHo environment should be fully automated and should not be relying on any user initiation or interaction – otherwise they risk to be postponed and forgotten in the daily race. For my everyday backup I additionally … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Configuration, Hardware, Software, SOHO tools and gadgets, Windows
Verschlagwortet mit Backup, Disk backup, Disk image, File versions, Local backup, Locked files, Rebit, Replica, Seagate, Second Copy, Tape backup
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Up-to-date color profiles for Euroscale printing
Adobe is delivering rather aged Euroscale printing profiles for the European market, e.g. the FOGRA28 profile that comes with the CS4 suite. Up-to-date color profiles for Euroscale printing are available free of cost from the European Color Initiative (ECI).
Veröffentlicht unter Adobe, Calibration, Color, Configuration, Photoshop, Software
Verschlagwortet mit Color profile, ECI, European Color Initiative, Euroscale, Fogra, ISO Coated, Printing
2 Kommentare